So gentyll compassed and well edefyed The towres were hyghe of adamond stones With fanes wauerynge in the wynde Of ryght fyne golde made for the noonys And roobuckes ran vnder the lynde And hunters came theym fer behynde A Ioye it was suche sawe I neuer Abyde quod she ye shall se a better. Forth she me ledde to the castell warde Where we were let in by humylyte And so after she lede me forwarde Tyll that I sawe a royall tre With buddys blossomed of grete beaute And than we wente in to the hall That glased was truely with crystall And hanged was with clothes of Aras Made of fyne golde with a noble story How that there some tyme reynynge was In the regyon of hyghe Italy A valyaunt emperour and a myghty