ca.iii. ¶ Of the triumphaunt estate of hardynes. ca.iiii. ca.iiii. ¶ Of the gloryfyed towre of sapyence. ca.v. ca.v. ¶ Of the stronge operacyons of nature ¶ How these foure ladyes pleeded at the barre before Iustyce whiche of theym was moost proufytable vnto mankynde & of the Iugement of Iustyce. ca.vii. ca.vii. ¶ How after the Iugement of Iustyce / Sapyence cõmaunded DiscrecõnA to lede youth to marye with clennes the kynge of loues doughter. ca.viii. ca.viii. ¶ How youth by the waye mette wt lechery rydynge on a gote and pryde maned with couetyse on an olyphaũtes backe in a fayre castell / & how by the ayde of || dyscrecyon he dyde withstande theyr temptacõnA and how he mette with sapience in the mase of wordely besynes. capitulo.ix. || capitulo.ix. ¶ How Sapyence & dyscrecyon ledde youth ouer the narowe brydge of vanyte of the worlde to the palays of ye kynge of loue & of his meruaylous appareyl. ca.x ca.x ¶ How sapyence presented youth to the kynge of loue for to mary Clennes his doughter & how he before ye maryage dyde fyght and discomfyte the dragon with thre hedys. capitulo.xi. capitulo.xi. ¶ How after the discomfyture of the sayd dragon he well growen in age was receyued with a farye company of ladyes and was named vertu & with all Ioye brought to the palays of the kynge of loue. ca.xii. ca.xii.