Of her worthy and royall dygnyte She eche estate sholde haue in gouernaunce As theym to rule or that they repent For better it is to haue good puruyaunce At the begynnynge as is expedyent Than for to wyssh for thynges myspent That myght be saued longe afore And with a for wytte kepte in store Her chaumbre was glased with byrall clarefyed Depeynted with colours of delectacyon A place of pleasure so heuenly gloryfyed In vertue heale lyfe and saluacyon Without ony stormy trybulacyon That myght anoy the heuenly helth But alway comfort to the sowlys welth || There sate dame prudence in vertue magnyfyed Impossyble it is to shewe her goodelyhed She was so fayre and clerely puryfyed And so dyscrete and full of womanhede