Sythens that your wyldnes is ouerblowen The sede of vertu on you shall be sowen Vyce to depryue by his good auctoryte As for to subdue all yll iniquyte b .iiii. Of other mennes wordes be thou not bolde And of theyr promys make no behest And yf thou here an yll tale tolde Gyue no iugement but say the best So shall thou lyue euermore in rest Who lytell medeleth is best at ease For well were he that all myght please Beware kepe the from grete offence That thou condempned be not by ryghtwysnes Whan she doth gyue her mortall sentence Without pease or mercy cause her reles Her iugement of mortall heuynes That the best frende to the wyll be The for to socour in grete necessyte But yet in theym haue none affyaunce