Of that grete synne that thou hast done Trust not to moche in fortunes grace Though that she laugh on the a whyle For she can sodenly turne her face Whan that she lyst the to begyle She welth and Ioye can sone defyle And plonge the in the pyte of pouerte Wherfore in her haue thou no suertye Presume no ferther than the behoueth For it wyll turne the to grete shame For who that from his rome remoueth He is often full gretely to blame And medeleth with other in theym lame As no thynge connynge nor expert They may hym say syr malapert Or that thou speke call to remembraunce Vnto what mater thy worde shall sygnyfye Loke that it torne no man to greuaunce Though that it be spoken merely Yet many a one wyll take it greuously