Impossyble it is for me to dyscouere How gorges she was & gretly magnyfyed Full lyke a goddes that had ben deyfyd Clothed with gold sette full of rubyes And tynst wt emeraudys & many a turkes cc .iiii. And next to her there dyd ensue Dame Hardynes that noble lady After whome anone dyd pursue Dame Sapyence whiche dyd not tary Than came dame nature appareled royally And all the other cladde in gold Set with dyamondes many a fold They lowted all vnto the ground Afore dame Iustyce for obeysaunce That sate there both hole and sound Withouten ony dyscontynuaunce Gyuynge god ere vnto the vteraunce Of these foure ladyes pledynge at barre With all theyr cases dyd well avarre