Dyd I not cause the noble Iulius Emperour of rome for to be electe By cause he was so stronge and cheualrus Whan in armes he knewe the affecte He all his ennemyes dyd abiecte And by the support of my chyef socour He gouerned hymselfe lyke a noble emperour And also Arthur kynge of Bretayne With all the knyghtes of the rounde table Neuer auentures had sought certayne And I therto had not ben greable They for to fyght had not ben able Who that me lacketh is but a coward And shame is euer his rewarde Also kynge Charlemayne kynge of Fraunce With his dyssypers Rowland and Olyuer With all the resydue of his alyaunce That in all armes so noble were On goddys ennemyes brake many a spere Causynge them to flee to theyr grete vylony