MENELAUS SPEAKS WITH HELEN But when he had her there, sharp root of ill To him and his, safeguarded from him still, Too sweet to be forgotten, too much marred By usage to be what she seemed, bescarred, Behandled, too much lost and too much won, Mock image making horrible the sun That once had shown her pure for his demesne, And still revealed her lovely, and unclean— Despair turned into stone what had been kind, And bitter surged his griefs, to flood his mind. "O ruinous face," said he, "O evil head, Art thou so early from the wicked bed? So prompt to slough the snugness of thy vice? Or is it that in luxury thou art nice Become, and dalliest?" Low her head she hung [24] And moved her lips. As when the night is young The hollow wind presages storm, his moan Came wailing at her. "Ten years here, alone,