The Broken Cup
shout after the guilty one, it gave way, and with one crash fell to the earth and was shattered in pieces.     

       So much ill luck would have discomposed any other woman. But Manon soon recovered herself. “How lucky that I was a witness to this roguery!”        exclaimed she; “he must to the Justice.—He shall replace both cup and window-sash with his gold. It will give a rich dowry to Marietta But when Marietta brought in the fragments of the shattered cup, when Manon saw the Paradise lost, the good man Adam without a head, and of Eve not a solitary limb remaining, the serpent unhurt, triumphing, the tiger safe, but the little lamb gone even to the very tail, as if the tiger had swallowed it, then Mother Manon screamed forth curses against Colin, and said: ‘One can easily see that this fall came from the hand of the devil.’”      


       THE TRIBUNAL.     

       She took the cup in one hand, Marietta in the other, and went, about nine o’clock, to when Monsieur Hautmartin was wont to sit in judgment. She there made a great outcry, and showed the broken cup and the Paradise lost. Marietta wept bitterly.     

       The justice, when he saw the broken cup and his beautiful bride in tears, flew into so violent a rage toward Colin that his nose was as violet-colored as Marietta’s well-known hat-band, He immediately despatched his bailiffs to bring the criminal before him.     

       Colin came, overwhelmed with grief. Mother Manon now repeated her complaint with great eloquence before justice, bailiffs, and scribes.—But Colin listened not. He stepped to Marietta and whispered to hen “Forgive me, dear Marietta, as I forgive thee. I broke thy cup unintentionally; but thou, thou hast broken my heart!”      

       “What whispering is that?” cried Justice Hautmartin, with magisterial authority. “Harken to this accusation, and defend yourself.”      

       “I have naught to defend. I broke the cup against my will,” said Colin.     

       “That I verily believe,” said Marietta, sobbing. “I am as guilty as he; for I offended him—then he threw the ribbon and flowers to me. He could not help it.”      

       “Well!” cried Mother Manon. “Do you 
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