The Magic Pudding
sugar and three tin cups and half a pound of mixed biscuits were brought out of the bag by Sam, while Bill cut slices of steak-and-kidney from the Puddin'. After that they had[Pg 29] boiled jam-roll and apple-dumpling, as the fancy took them, for if you wanted a change of food from the Puddin', all you had to do was to whistle twice and turn the basin round.

[Pg 29]

After they had eaten as much as they wanted, the things were put away in the bag, and they settled down comfortably for the evening.

'This is what I call grand,' said Bill, cutting up his tobacco. 'Full-and-plenty to eat, pipes goin' and the evenin's enjoyment before us. Tune up on the mouth-organ, Sam, an' off she goes with a song.'

They had a mouth-organ in the bag which they took turns at playing, and Bill led off with a song which he said was called—

[Pg 30]

[Pg 30]


'When I was young I used to hold

I'd run away to sea,

And be a Pirate brave and bold

On the coast of Caribbee.

'For I sez to meself, "I'll fill me hold

With Spanish silver and Spanish gold,

And out of every ship I sink

I'll collar the best of food and drink.

'"For Caribbee, or Barbaree,

Or the shores of South Amerikee

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