A Puddin' rich and rare.' [Pg 48] Bunyip Bluegum reproved this despondency, saying, 'Come, come, this is no time for giving way to despair. Let us, rather, by the fortitude of our bearing prove ourselves superior to this misfortune and, with the energy of justly enraged men, pursue these malefactors, who have so richly deserved our vengeance. Arise!' 'Bravely spoken,' said Bill, immediately recovering from despair. 'The grass is green, the day is fair, The dandelions abound. Is this a time for sad despair And sitting on the ground? 'Our Puddin' in some darksome lair In iron chains is bound, While puddin'-snatchers on him fare, And eat him by the pound.[Pg 49] [Pg 49] 'Let gloom give way to angry glare, Let weak despair be drowned, Let vengeance in its rage declare Our Puddin' MUST be found. MUST 'Then let's resolve to do and dare. Let teeth with rage be ground.