The Untouchable
The man finally entered the office of General George Garvers. As the door closed behind him, he saw the general, who sprang from his chair to greet him.

"Max! You finally came."

"Got here as soon as I could. I wager half my time was taken up by the security check points. You are certainly isolated in here."

"All of that," agreed the general. "Have a seat, won't you?" he asked, indicating a chair.

His friend sank into it gratefully. "Now, what's this vital problem you called me about? You weren't too specific."

"No," said Garvers, "I wasn't. This is a security matter, after a fashion. It's vitally important that we get technical help on this thing, and since you and I are friends, I was asked to call you in."


"I'm afraid I'll have to make a story of it."

"Quite all right by me, but don't mind if I interject a question now and then. Mind if I smoke?"

"Go right ahead," said Garvers, fumbling out a lighter. "Just don't spill ashes on the rug."

This all began on the Third of May. I was working here on some top-security stuff. I had suddenly got the feeling of being watched. I know it seems silly, what with all the check points that a potential spy would have to go through to get here, but that's just how I felt.

Several times I glanced around the office, but of course it was empty. Then I began to think that it was my nerves.

"You always were a bit of a hypochondriac," observed his friend.

"Be that as it may," continued Garvers, "it was the only explanation I had at the time. Either someone was watching me, which seemed impossible, or I was beginning to crack under the strain.

"Well, I put my papers away and tried to take a short break. I was reaching into my drawer where I keep magazines when, so help me, a man stepped out of the wall into my office."

"What? It seems as if you just said a guy stepped out of the wall."

"That's just what I did say. It sounds crazy, but let me finish, will you? I'm not kidding, and I'll show you proof 
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