Because, as that Time cover story suggests, we still haven’t caught up with Verne. Even in our era of satellite dishes and video games, the seas keep their secrets. We’ve seen progress in sonar, torpedoes, and other belligerent machinery, but sailors and scientists—to say nothing of tourists—have yet to voyage in a submarine with the luxury and efficiency of the Nautilus. F. P. WALTER University of Houston Units of Measure CABLE LENGTH In Verne’s context, 600 feet CENTIGRADE 0 degrees centigrade = freezing water 37 degrees centigrade = human body temperature 100 degrees centigrade = boiling water FATHOM 6 feet GRAM Roughly 1/28 of an ounce MILLIGRAM Roughly 1/28,000 of an ounce KILOGRAM (KILO) Roughly 2.2 pounds HECTARE Roughly 2.5 acres KNOT 1.15 miles per hour LEAGUE In Verne’s context, 2.16 miles LITER Roughly 1 quart METER Roughly 1 yard, 3 inches MILLIMETER Roughly 1/25 of an inch CENTIMETER Roughly 2/5 of an inch DECIMETER Roughly 4 inches