powdered ginger, mixed well together, pour over your fish till covered. When putting your fish in the pan, split the head in two, and place it at the bottom, the smaller pieces on the top, the rows uppermost; let them cook very quick. Take out your fish, lay it nicely on a dish, mix a little flour in your gravy, give it a boil, throw it over the fish, and let it stand to cool. [28] ROASTED STURGEON. Your betters will despise you, if they see Things that are far surpassing your degree; Therefore beyond your substance never treat; ’Tis plenty, in small fortune, to be neat; A widow has cold pie, nurse gives you cake, From generous merchants ham or sturgeon take. King. King. Take a large piece of sturgeon, or a whole small one, clean and skin it properly, lard it with eel and anchovies, and marinade it in a white wine marmalade. Fasten it to the spit and roast it,[29] basting frequently with the marinade strained. Let the fish be a nice color, and serve with a pepper sauce. [29] BOILED SALMON. Red speckled trouts, the salmon’s silver jole, The jointed lobster and unscaly sole, And luscious scallops to allure the tastes Of rigid zealots to delicious feasts; Wednesdays and Fridays, you’ll observe from hence, Days when our sins were doomed to abstinence. Gay. Gay. Put on a fish-kettle, with spring water enough to well cover the salmon you are going to dress, or the salmon will neither look nor taste well (boil the liver in a separate saucepan). When the water boils put in a handful of salt, take off the scum as soon as it rises; have the fish well washed, put it in, and if it is thick, let it boil very gently. Salmon requires as much boiling as meat; about a quarter of an hour to a pound of meat; but practice can only perfect the cook in dressing salmon. A quarter of a salmon will take as long boiling as half a one. You must consider the thickness, not the weight. [30]Obs. The thinnest part of the fish is the fattest, and if you have a “grand gourmand” at table, ask him if he is for thick or thin. [30] Lobster sauce and rye bread should be eaten with boiled salmon.