A Poetical Cook-Book
hot. For grated bread, some substitute crackers pounded to a powder, and mixed with yolk of egg and spice.



By nerves about our palate placed, She likewise judges of the taste. Who would ask for her opinion Between an oyster and an onion? Donne.


Stew with a quart of oysters, and their liquor strained, a glass of white wine, one anchovy bruised, seasoned with white pepper, salt, a little mace, and a bunch of sweet herbs; let all stew gently an hour, or three quarters. Pick out the bunch of herbs, and add a quarter pound of fresh butter kneaded in a large tablespoonful of flour, and stew them ten or twelve minutes.

Serve them garnished with bread sippets and cut lemon. They may be stewed simply in their[33] own liquor, seasoned with salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg, and thickened with cream, flour, and butter.



’Tis no one thing; it is not fruit, nor root, Nor poorly limited with head or foot. Donne.


Cut off the tops of some small French rolls, take out the crumb, fry them brown and crisp with clarified butter, then fry some breadcrumbs; stew the requisite quantity of oysters, bearded and cut in two, in their liquor, with a little white wine, some gravy, and seasoned with grated lemon-peel, powdered mace, pepper and salt; add a bit of butter, fill the rolls with oysters, and serve them with the fried breadcrumbs in a dish.


What will not luxury taste? Earth, sea, and air, Are daily ransack’d for the bills of fare. Gay.


Stew the oysters slowly in their own liquor for two or three minutes, take them out with a spoon, beard them, and skim the liquor, put a bit of but[34]ter into a stewpan; when it is melted, add as much fine breadcrumbs as will dry it up; then put to it the oyster liquor, and give it a boil up; put the oysters into scallop shells that you have buttered, and strewed with breadcrumbs, then a layer of oysters, then breadcrumbs, and 
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