A Poetical Cook-Book
And gently stir again.

A bunch of parsley, and a leaf Of ever verdant bay, Two cloves,—I make my language brief,— Then add your peas you may; And let it simmer till it sings In a delicious strain; Then take your duck, nor let the strings For trussing it remain.

Of ever verdant bay,

Then add your peas you may;

In a delicious strain;

For trussing it remain.

[49]The parsley fail not to remove, Also the leaf of bay; Dish up your duck,—the sauce improve In the accustom’d way, With pepper, salt, and other things I need not here explain; And if the dish contentment brings, You’ll dine with me again.


Also the leaf of bay;

In the accustom’d way,

I need not here explain;

You’ll dine with me again.


Our courtier walks from dish to dish, Tastes from his friends of fowl and fish, Tells all their names, lays down the law, “Que ça est bon.” “Ah! goutez ça.” Pope.


Make a forcemeat of grated bread, half its quantity of minced suet, an onion, or a few oysters and some boiled parsley, season with pepper, salt, and grated lemon-peel, and an egg beaten up to bind it. Bone the breast of a good sized young fowl, put in the forcemeat, cover the fowl with a piece of white paper buttered, and roast it half an hour; make a thick batter of flour, milk, and eggs, take off the paper, and pour some of the batter over the fowl; as soon as it becomes dry, add more, and do this till it is all crusted over and a nice brown color, serve it with melted butter and lemon pickle, or a thickened brown gravy.


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