Moore. Wash half a handful of nice, young, fresh-gathered green mint (to this add one-third the quantity of parsley), pick the leaves from the stalks, mince them very fine, and put them into a sauce-boat, with a teaspoonful of moist sugar and four tablespoonfuls of vinegar. [70] [70] CRANBERRY SAUCE. Our fathers most admired their sauces sweet, And often asked for sugar with their meat. King. King. Wash a quart of ripe cranberries, and put them into a pan with just about a teacup of water; stew them slowly and stir them frequently, particularly after they begin to burst. They require a great deal of stewing, and should be like marmalade when done. When they are broken and the juice comes out, stir in a pound of white sugar. When they are thoroughly done, put them into a deep dish, and set them away to get cold. You may strain the pulp through a cullender or sieve into a mould, and when it is a firm shape send it to table. Cranberry sauce is eaten with roast fowl, turkey, &c. CAPER SAUCE. Along these shores Neglected trade with difficulty toils, Collecting slender stores; the sun-dried grape, Or capers from the rock, that prompt the taste Of luxury. Dyer. Along these shores Dyer. To make a quarter of a pint, take a tablespoonful of capers and two teaspoonfuls of vinegar.[71] The present fashion of cutting capers is to mince one-third of them very fine, and divide the others in half; put them into a quarter of a pint of melted butter, or good thickened gravy; stir them the same way as you did the melted butter, or it will oil. Some boil and mince fine a few leaves of parsley or chevrel or tarragon, and add to the sauce; others, the juice of half a Seville orange or lemon. [71] [72]