A Poetical Cook-Book
The board was spread with fruits and wine; With grapes of gold, like those that shine On Caslin’s hills; pomegranates, full Of melting sweetness, and the pears And sunniest apples that Cabul In all its thousand gardens bears. Moore.

On Caslin’s hills; pomegranates, full

And sunniest apples that Cabul


Pare and mince three dozen juicy, acid apples; put them into a pan; cover them with water, and boil them till very soft; strain them through a thin cloth or flannel bag; allow a pound of loaf sugar to a pint of juice, with the grated peel and juice of six lemons. Boil it for twenty minutes; take off the scum as it rises.




With rich conserve of Visna cherries, Of orange flower, and of those berries That——. Moore.


Take the stones and stalks from two pounds of clear, fine, ripe cherries; mix them with a quarter of a pound of red currants, from which the seeds have been extracted; express the juice from these fruits; filter, and mix it with three quarters of a pound of clarified sugar, and one ounce of isinglass. Replace the vessel on the fire with the juice, and add to it a pound and a half of sugar, boiled à conserve. Boil together a few times, and then pour the conserve into cases.


Nature hates vacuums, as you know, We, therefore, will descend below, And fill, with dainties nice and light, The vacuum in your appetite. Besides, good wine and dainty fare Are sometimes known to lighten care; Nay, man is often brisk or dull, As the keen stomach’s void or full.

To four feet add four quarts of water; let them boil on a slow fire till the flesh is parted from the[90] bones, and the quantity reduced to half; strain it carefully, and the next morning remove the feet and sediment. Add the rind of two lemons, the juice of five lemons, one and a half pounds of white sugar, a stick of cinnamon, a little nutmeg, a pint of sherry wine, half a teacupful of brandy; beat the white of ten 
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