lightly; The griddle’s black face shines more brightly. [118]Now pour the batter on; delicious! Don’t, dear James, think me officious, But lift the tender edges lightly; Now turn it over quickly, sprightly. ’Tis done! Now on the white plate lay it: Smoking hot, with butter spread, ’Tis quite enough to turn our head! [118] JOHNNY CAKES. Some talk of hoecake, fair Virginia’s pride! Rich Johnny cake this mouth has often tried; Both please me well, their virtues much the same; Alike their fabric, as allied their fame. Barlow. Barlow. A quart of sifted Indian meal, and a handful of wheat flour sifted; mix them; three eggs, well beaten; two tablespoonfuls of fresh brewer’s yeast, or flour of home made yeast, a teaspoonful of salt, and a quart of milk. MUFFINS. Friend, I am a shrewd observer, and will guess What cakes you doat on for your favorite mess. Armstrong. Armstrong. Take a pint of warm milk, and a quarter pint of thick small-beer yeast; strain them into a pan, and[119] add sufficient flour to make it like a batter; cover it over, and let it stand in a warm place until it has risen; then add a quarter of a pint of warm milk, and an ounce of butter rubbed in some flour quite fine; mix them well together; add sufficient flour to make it into a dough; cover it over. Let it stand half an hour; work it up again; break it into small pieces, roll them up quite round, and cover them over for a quarter of an hour, then bake them. [119] PANCAKES. With all her haughty looks, the time I’ve seen When the proud damsel has more humble been; When with nice airs she hoist the pancake round, And dropt it, hapless fair! upon the ground. Shenstone. Shenstone. To three tablespoonfuls of flour add six well-beaten eggs, three tablespoonfuls of white wine, four ounces of melted butter nearly cold, the same quantity of pounded loaf sugar, half a grated nutmeg, and a pint of cream. Mix it well, beating the batter for some time, and pour it thin over the pan. [120]