A Poetical Cook-Book


Four elements, joined in An emulous strife, Fashion the world, and Constitute life.

An emulous strife,

Constitute life.

From the sharp citron The starry juice pour; Acid to life is The innermost core.

The starry juice pour;

The innermost core.

Now, let the sugar The bitter one meet; Still be life’s bitter Tamed down with the sweet!

The bitter one meet;

Tamed down with the sweet!

Let the bright water Flow into the bowl; Water, the calm one, Embraces the whole.

Flow into the bowl;

Embraces the whole.

[138]Drops from the spirit Pour quick’ning within, Life but its life from The spirit can win.


Pour quick’ning within,

The spirit can win.

Haste, while it gloweth, Your vessels to bring; The wave has but virtue Drunk hot from the spring. Translated from Schiller.

Your vessels to bring;

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