[137] PUNCH. Four elements, joined in An emulous strife, Fashion the world, and Constitute life. An emulous strife, Constitute life. From the sharp citron The starry juice pour; Acid to life is The innermost core. The starry juice pour; The innermost core. Now, let the sugar The bitter one meet; Still be life’s bitter Tamed down with the sweet! The bitter one meet; Tamed down with the sweet! Let the bright water Flow into the bowl; Water, the calm one, Embraces the whole. Flow into the bowl; Embraces the whole. [138]Drops from the spirit Pour quick’ning within, Life but its life from The spirit can win. [138] Pour quick’ning within, The spirit can win. Haste, while it gloweth, Your vessels to bring; The wave has but virtue Drunk hot from the spring. Translated from Schiller. Your vessels to bring;