Beasts and Super-Beasts
Leonard disregarded the comment and accepted a coin from Colonel Hampton, holding it aloft and murmuring mock incantations. The coin vanished, only to reappear in an unexpected location, eliciting a round of astonished applause. Amid the congratulations, Lord Pabham discreetly slipped away to orchestrate the upcoming mystifying transformation involving a she-wolf borrowed from his collection.

As the clock struck midnight, the grand event commenced. With hushed excitement, the guests gathered in the conservatory, awaiting the spectacle. Suddenly, the peace of the night was shattered by a chilling howl that sent shivers down everyone's spine. The she-wolf, Louisa, had made a dramatic entrance, exuding an air of untamed wilderness. The transformation was seamless, the disbelief palpable, as Mrs. Hampton embraced her lupine form with an intensity that bordered on the surreal.

Clovis, the mastermind behind the elaborate ruse, observed with amusement as Leonard Bilsiter struggled to maintain composure in the face of such an unexpected turn of events. The lines between reality and illusion blurred as the she-wolf prowled among the bewildered guests, her eyes gleaming with a primal intensity that stirred dormant instincts within each onlooker.

In the aftermath of the bewitching display, Leonard Bilsiter's claims of esoteric powers seemed validated, if only for a fleeting moment. The night would forever be etched in the memories of those present, a tale retold with a mixture of awe and skepticism. And as dawn broke, illuminating the fading traces of the mysterious she-wolf's visit, the boundaries of belief and incredulity remained as enigmatic as ever.“I think it very unkind of you not to carry out my suggestion of turning me into a wolf,” said Mary Hampton, as she crossed over to the conservatory to give her macaws their usual tribute from the dessert dishes.

“I have already warned you of the danger of treating these powers in a mocking spirit,” said Leonard solemnly.

“I don’t believe you can do it,” laughed Mary provocatively from the conservatory; “I dare you to do it if you can. I defy you to turn me into a wolf.” As she said this she was lost to view behind a clump of azaleas.

“Mrs. Hampton—” began Leonard with increased solemnity, but he got no further. A breath of chill air seemed to rush across the room, and at the same time the macaws broke forth into ear-splitting screams.

“What on earth is the matter with those 
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