Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Princess and the Pea The Psyche The Puppet-show Man 

 The Races The Red Shoes Everything in the Right Place A Rose from Homer's Grave The Snail and the Rose-tree 

 A Story from the Sand-hills The Saucy Boy The Shadow The Shepherdess and the Sheep The Silver Shilling The Shirt-collar The Snow Man The Snow Queen The Snowdrop Something Soup from a Sausage Skewer The Storks The Storm Shakes the Shield The Story of a Mother The Sunbeam and the Captive The Swan's Nest The Swineherd 

 The Thistle's Experiences The Thorny Road of Honor In a Thousand Years The Brave Tin Soldier The Tinder-box The Toad The Top and Ball The Travelling Companion Two Brothers Two Maidens 

 The Ugly Duckling Under the Willow Tree In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea 

 What One Can Invent The Wicked Prince The Wild Swans The Will-o-the-Wisp in the Town, Says the Wild Woman The Story of the Wind The Windmill 

 The Story of the Year 




 In the garden all the apple-trees were in blossom. They had hastened to bring forth flowers before they got green leaves, and in the yard all the ducklings walked up and down, and the cat too: it basked in the sun and licked the sunshine from its own paws. And when one looked at the fields, how beautifully the corn stood and how green it shone, without comparison! and there was a twittering and a fluttering of all the little birds, as if the day were a great festival; and so it was, for it was Sunday. All the bells were ringing, and all the people went to church, looking cheerful, and dressed in their best clothes. There was a look of cheerfulness on everything. The day was so warm and beautiful that one might well have said: "God's kindness to us men is beyond all limits."  But inside the church the pastor stood in the pulpit, and spoke very loudly and angrily. He said that all men were wicked, and God would punish them for their sins, and that the wicked, when they died, would be cast into hell, to burn for ever and ever. He spoke very excitedly, saying that their evil propensities would not be destroyed, nor would the fire be extinguished, and they should never find rest. That was terrible to hear, and he said it in such a tone of conviction; he described hell 
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