these there is no one of the gods besides myself that can clearly disclose to him a way of escape. I know this, and by what means. Wherefore let him rest on in his presumption, putting confidence in his thunders aloft, brandishing in his hand a fire-breathing bolt. For not one jot shall these suffice to save him from falling dishonored in a downfall beyond endurance; such an antagonist is he now with his own hands preparing against himself, a portent that shall baffle all resistance; who shall invent a flame more potent than the lightning, and a mighty din that shall surpass the thunder; and shall shiver the ocean trident, that earth-convulsing pest, the spear of Neptune. And when he hath stumbled upon this mischief, he shall be taught how great is the difference between sovereignty and slavery. Pr. Ch. Thou forsooth art boding against Jupiter the things thou wishest. Ch. Pr. Things that shall come to pass, and that I desire to boot. Pr. 48 48 Ch. And are we to expect that any one will get the mastery of Jove? Ch. Pr. Ay, and pangs too yet harder to bear than these [of mine] shall he sustain. Pr. Ch. And how is it that thou art not dismayed blurting out words such as these? Ch. Pr. Why at what should I be terrified to whom it is not destined to die?