British Museum, the author of the "Bibliography of Byron's Works" attached to the Life of Lord Byron by the Hon. Roden Noel (1890); Miss Grace Reed, of Philadelphia, for bibliographical entries of early American editions; and Professor Vladimir Hrabar, of the University of Dorpat, for the collection and transcription of numerous Russian translations of Byron's Works. To Messrs. Clowes, the printers of these volumes, and to their reader, Mr. F. T. Peachey, I am greatly indebted for the transcription of Slavonic titles included in the Summary of the Bibliography, and for interesting and useful information during the progress of the work. In conclusion, I must once more express my acknowment of the industry and literary ability of my friend Mr. F. E. Taylor, of Chertsey, who has read the proofs of this and the six preceding volumes. The Index is the work of Mr. C. Eastlake Smith. ERNEST HARTLEY COLERIDGE. November, 1903. [xii] [xii] [xiii] [xiii] CONTENTS OF VOL. VII. Preface to Vol. VII. of the Poems. v v Jeux d'Esprit and Minor Poems, 1798-1824. Jeux d'Esprit and Minor Poems Epigram on an Old Lady who had some Curious Notions respecting the Soul. First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 28. 1 1