In Doublet and Hose: A Story for Girls
cousin,” rebuked the girl sharply. “I marvel that thou dost appeal to my compassion. Thou knowest my 20 skill with the bow, and thou didst see the deer fall under my shaft; yet thou didst say with the boy that ’twas he who did the deed. Catiff! How dared he claim the stag? And ’twas a hart royal!” 


 “Yet had he not done so thou wouldst have had to suffer fine and imprisonment. Dost know the law? It says——” 

 “I care not what it says,” declared Francis haughtily. “If I offend against the law then ’twere meet that I should bear the penalty. My father shall right the matter.” 

 Master Greville knowing full well the futility of contradicting his charge when she was in such a wilful mood said no more, but meekly followed her as she started once more on her way. Through the great doors, which were of weathered oak thickly studded with nails, over which hung the family coat of arms, a shield, azure, three quatrefoils, argent, the girl and the old man passed across the paved courtyard, up a flight of steps to the terrace which led to the porch and from thence to the ante-hall passage. 

 Serving men clothed in blue with the family arms upon the left sleeve, and retainers clothed 21 also in blue but without the heraldic device thronged courtyard, terrace and hall. Francis hastened through the ante-hall passage to the great hall which lay beyond. The floors were freshly strewn with rushes, the walls were hung with rich tapestries representing stories from the classics. The upper end contained an oriel window under which was a fringed dais. On one side of the apartment was a huge fireplace over which the ancestral arms hung with the arms of England over them. On the other side towered lofty windows. A screen gallery, an organ and a high table completed the hall which was the principal room of the castle and the place where all of the feasts, mummeries and masques were held. 


 Ushers were hurrying through the great hall for it was “covering time,” and the household was mustering for the midday meal. Francis threaded her way through the crowd of yeomen to the door of the presence chamber, and drawing aside the arras that hid the entrance, opened it and entered. 

 “My father,” she began abruptly, and then paused for she saw that her father was not alone. 22 


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