Little bits of chuckling laughter echoed in the inchoate madness of his suddenly whirling brain. Echoing years of lecture on—cause and effect, logic. Little bits of chuckling laughter. He grabbed her arm. "We—we can see our own reflections, but we can't see each other's!" She shivered. Her face was terribly white. "What—what is the answer?" No. He didn't have it figured out. Let the witches figure it out. Let some old forbidden books do it. Bring the problem to some warlock. But not to him. He was only a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. But maybe— "Hallucinations," he muttered faintly. "Negative hallucinations." "Doctor. Did you ever hear the little joke about the two psychiatrists who met one morning and one said, 'You're feeling excellent today. How am I feeling?'" He shrugged. "We have insight into each other's abnormality, but are unaware of the same in ourselves." "That's the whole basis for psychiatry, isn't it?" "In a way. But this is physical—functional—when psychiatry presents situation where—" His voice trailed off. "I have it figured this way." How eager she was. Somehow, it didn't matter much now, to him. "We're conditioned to react to reality in certain accepted ways. For instance that we're supposed to see our shadows. So we see them. But in our case they were never really there to see. Our sanity or 'normalcy' is maintained that way. But the constant auto-illusion must always lead to neuroticism and pathology—the hidden fears. But these fears must express themselves. So they do so in more socially acceptable ways." Her voice suddenly dropped as her odd eyes flickered across the street. "But we see each other as we really are," she whispered tensely. "Though we could never have recognized the truth in ourselves." She pointed stiffly. Her mouth gaped, quivered slightly. He turned slowly. His mouth twitched with a growing terrible hatred. They were coming for him now. Four men with rifles were coming toward him. Stealthily creeping, they were, as though it were some pristine scene with caves in the background. They were bent slightly, stalking. Hunters and hunted, and the law of the wild and two of them stopping in the