With a feeling half sadness, half mirth. For the long white locks are our special pride, Though he smiles at his daughter's praise; But, oh, they have grown each year more thin, Till they are now but a silvery haze. That wise old head! (though it does grow bald With the knocks hard fortune may give) Has a store of faith and hope and trust, Which have taught him how to live.[Pg 10] [Pg 10] Though the hat be old, there's a face below Which telleth to those who look The history of a good man's life, And it cheers like a blessed book. [A]A peddler of jewels, of clocks, and of books, Many a year of his wandering youth; A peddler still, with a far richer pack, His wares are wisdom and love and truth. But now, as then, few purchase or pause, For he cannot learn the tricks of trade;