[i] [i] THE BOY SCOUTS BOOK OF STORIES [ii] [ii] THE BUTCHER LOOKED DOWN AT THE FUNNY FACE AND SAW THE KINDLY MOTIVE UNDER THE EXAGGERATED BLUFFNESS[PAGE 12] [PAGE 12] [iii] [iii] THE BOY SCOUTS BOOK OF STORIES BY FRANKLIN K. MATHIEWS CHIEF SCOUT LIBRARIAN BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA [iv] [iv] [v] [v] BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION So much of my time is given to reading boys' books that, when I read books for grown-ups, now and again I find myself saying, "What a bully story for boys to read!" Latterly, I have been putting down the titles of such stories. When the list began to lengthen, it occurred to me, why not make a book for boys containing stories like that: stories written for grown-ups but also of interest to boys in their early teens. Such a collection of stories could not be made, however,