What had he meant by that? Something terrible. He glanced up at the Butcher, and, being very apprehensive, made bold to ask: "Butcher, I say, what does Cap think?" "He hasn't seen the Doctor yet," said the Butcher. "He'll see him to-night. I guess I'll go over myself, just to leave a calling-card accordin' to et-iquette!" The Big Man kept his own counsel, but when the Butcher, after dinner, disappeared through the awful portal of Foundation House, he sat down in the dark under a distant tree to watch. In a short five minutes the Butcher reappeared, stood a moment undecided on[18] the steps, stooped, picked up a handful of gravel, flung it into the air with a laugh, and started along the circle. [18] "Butcher!" "Hello, who's that!" "It's me, Butcher," said the Big Man, slipping his hand into the other's; "I—I wanted to know." "You aren't going to get sentimental, are you, youngster?" said Stevens, disapprovingly. "Please, Butcher," said the Great Big Man, pleadingly, "don't be cross with me! Is there any hope?" "The Doctor won't see me, young one," said the Butcher, "but the at-mosphere was not encouraging." "I'm sorry." "Honest?" "Honest." They went hand in hand over to the chapel, where they chose the back steps and settled down with the great walls at their back and plenty of gravel at their feet to fling aimlessly into the dusky night. "Butcher?" "Well, Big Man!" "What will you do if—if they fire you?"