Sure there is magic in it, Parthia's drunk And giddy with the joy; the houses' tops With gaping spectators are throng'd, nay wild They climb such precipices that the eye Is dazzl'd with their daring; ev'ry wretch Who long has been immur'd, nor dar'd enjoy The common benefits of sun and air, Creeps from his lurking place; e'en feeble age, Long to the sickly couch confin'd, stalks forth, And with infectious breath assails the Gods. O! curse the name, the idol of their joy. Lysias. Lysias. And what's that name, that thus they should disturb The ambient air, and weary gracious heav'n With ceaseless bellowings? Vardanes sounds With equal harmony, and suits as well The loud repeated shouts of noisy joy. Can he bid Chaos Nature's rule dissolve, Can he deprive mankind of light and day,