Philip Chekitan Philip. Philip. The Day's Toil's ended, and the Ev'ning smiles With all the Joy and Pleasantness of Plenty. Our good Success and Fortune in the Chace Will make us Mirth and Pastime for the Night. How will the old King and his Hunters smile To see us loaded with the fatt'ning Prey, And joyously relate their own Adventures? Not the brave Victor's Shout, or Spoils of War, Would give such Pleasure to their gladden'd Hearts. Chekitan. Chekitan. These, Philip, are the unstain'd Fruits of Peace, Effected by the conqu'ring British Troops. Now may we hunt the Wilds secure from Foes, And seek our Food and Clothing by the Chace, While Ease and Plenty thro' our Country reign.