Alex the Great
on their delivery system. I got a private tip that they're changin' from the Mutz-36 and the first order will be about eighty cars. Of course that's a sweet piece of money for somebody and everybody in New York will be there to-day tryin' to grab that order off. You might as well try to sell radiators in Hades though, because Munson, the bird that does the purchasin', is stuck on the Clarendon and he wouldn't buy anything else if they was givin' 'em away!" 

 "Well, that's tough, Buck!" I sympathizes. 

 "Sure is!" he says, givin' me and Alex a quarter perfecto and grinnin' some more to show how disappointed he feels.  "But I should worry! If I lose that one, I'll get another, so what's the difference?"  He turns to Alex, "Y'know in New York here," he confides, "we don't have no time to hold no coroner's inquests over failures. We forget about 'em and go after somethin' else—always on the job, get me? You'll learn after you're here a while—that's what makes the town what it is. If I stopped to moan over every order I didn't put across, I'd be nowhere to-day. Nope, you can't do that in New York!" 

 "Another of them there New Yorkers, hey?" sneers Alex to me, after Buck has blowed.  "Don't you see how that feller proves my argyment about how simple it is to make good here? From the way he's dressed—them, now, diamonds and so forth—he's probably a big feller in his line. Makin' plenty of money and looked on as a success by the ig'rant. Yet he lets a big order get away from him when it was practically a cinch to land it!" 

 "Say, listen!" I yelps—this bird was gettin' on my nerves.  "If four-flushin' was water, you'd be the Pacific Ocean! You gimme a pain with that line of patter you got, and as far as salesmanship is concerned, I'll bet you couldn't sell a porterhouse steak to a guy dyin' of hunger. I'd like to see you land an order like Buck spoke of, you—" 

 "That's just what you're gonna do!" he butts in.  "You're gonna see me land that very order he told us about—what d'ye think of that, hey?" 

 I stopped dead and gazed upon him. 

 "You're gonna which?" I asks him. 

 "I'm gonna land that order from that department store!" he repeats, grabbin' my arm.  "C'mon—show me how to get there!" 

 I fell up against a lamp post and laughed till a passin' dame remarked to her friend that it was an outrage the way some guys drank. Then I led Alex to the subway. 

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