"Wilson, sorry I couldn't handle all three Jerries. You'll have to go back with our flight." Stan scowled. Sim appeared well pleased with the idea. "I'll use my own judgment," Stan snapped back. "Name a leader and go back," Sim barked. "That is an order." "Sorry," Stan answered. "I'm taking the boys on through." CHAPTER III HULS Stan overtook his formation and dropped into place. The flight was deployed with the Jerries perched up above and around waiting for the Yanks to go home. Below lay the fields of Holland. "Are you clear, specials?" Stan called. "All clear," the boys called back. That meant they had zoomed down and ditched their tanks in a way the Germans would not notice. Flak was coming up and a flight of FWs were worrying the Fortresses and Liberators below. One big fellow was out of formation and having a tough time. Fifteen FW's were after it. "We'll go down and have a crack at those FW's on that Fort," Stan called. "So long, Sim, see you at mess!" One after another the six special Thunderbolts zoomed down upon the FW's. They came down in a screaming dive and their first burst sent five FW's smoking to earth. Instantly the whole battle changed. The flocks of Jerries up above were taken by surprise because this was not according to the book. The Yanks should be keeping altitude, holding them pinned to the sky, and they were due any moment to start running for home. Stan and his crew covered the limping bomber and she began to pull up into place where her flight had slowed to help her. Up above, the Jerries cut loose and the Yanks got a crack at them as they tried to filter through. For five minutes the sky was a battlefield, then the Thunderbolts up above had to leave. They broke off and headed for home. Behind them they left the wreckage of eleven Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs. With the bombers, O'Malley was putting on a show which reminded Stan of the old days. He was stunting so wildly and slamming lead so fast the Jerries began giving him a wide berth. Stan began to realize that their mission was not