Rainbow-eyed and frail and gallant and slender, Dreaming of pirate-isles in a jewelled main. III Up the Canongate climbeth, cleft asunder Raggedly here, with a glimpse of the distant sea Flashed through a crumbling alley, a glimpse of wonder, Nay, for the City is throned on Eternity! Hark! from the soaring castle a cannon's thunder Closeth an hour for the world and an æon for me, Gazing at last from the martial heights whereunder Deathless memories roll to an ageless sea. IN A RAILWAY CARRIAGE Three long isles of sunset-cloud, Poised in an ocean of gold, Floated away in the west As the long train southward rolled; And through the gleam and shade of the panes, While meadow and wood went by, Across the streaming earth We watched the steadfast sky.