Zan. My lord, I'm bound in duty to obey you—— [aside, exit. Car. What is this world?—Thy school, oh, misery! While in the lustre of her charms I lay, Whole summer suns roll'd unperceiv'd away; I years for days, and days for moments, told, And was surpris'd to hear that I grew old. Now fate does rigidly its dues regain, And ev'ry moment is an age of pain. Zan. Is this don Carlos? this the boasted friend? Car. I cannot yield; nor can I bear his griefs. [goes to him, and takes his hand. Alon. Oh, Carlos! Car. Pray, forbear. Alon. Art thou undone, and shall Alonzo smile? Car. You charge yourself unjustly: well I know Alon. You cast in shades the failure of a friend, Car. Pardon for him, who but this morning threw Zan. [to Alon.] My lord, my lord, this is your time to speak. Alon. [to Zan.] Because he's kind? It therefore is the worst;