Zan. Throughout the whole three years? Alon. O never! never! Zan. Hold, sir, I'll break your fall—wave ev'ry fear, Alon. Ha! Resign'd her to me!— Zan. But was it not with utmost agony? Alon. Grant that, he still resign'd her; that's enough. Zan. Was't his request? Are you right sure of that? Alon. A tale! There's proof equivalent to sight. Zan. I should distrust my sight on this occasion. Alon. And so should I; by heav'n, I think I should. Zan. You now are too much ruffled to think clearly. Alon. Had I ten thousand lives, I'd give them all [exit. Zan. Thus far it works auspiciously. My patient Isa. I overheard your conference, and saw you, Zan. There, Isa. It is. Zan. That's well—Ah! what is well? O pang to think! And greater sure my merit, who, to gain A point sublime, can such a task sustain;