Alon. Live now, be damn'd hereafter—for I want thee. [exit Zanga. [going. Leon. My lord, excuse me; see, a second time Alon. This moment, Leonora, I was coming Leon. What says my lord? Alon. Thou art exceeding fair. Leon. Beauty alone is but of little worth; Alon. Innocent! [aside. Leon. How, my lord! I interrupt you. Alon. No, my best life! I must not part with thee— Leon. In tears, my lord? Alon. What less can speak my joy? Leon. My lord, you fright me. [takes his hand. Alon. Ha, ha, ha! Leon. Are these the joys which fondly I conceiv'd? Alon. Go to thy chamber; Zan. I fear, his heart has fail'd him. She must die.