Alon. Is Carlos murder'd? Zan. I obey'd your order. Alon. Oh, Zanga! Zanga! Zan. I told her, from your childhood you was wont, Alon. I'll tell thee. [exit. Zan. Why, get thee gone! horror and night go with thee. [exit. SCENE II. THE BOWER. THE BOWER. Enter Alonzo.—Leonora sleeping. Alon. Ye amaranths! ye roses, like the morn! [advances. [going, he starts back. Leon. My lord, your stay was long; and yonder lull Alon. Ye pow'rs! with what an eye she mends the day! [aside. Leon. What says my lord? Alon. Why, this Alonzo says: Leon. Alas, my lord! why talk you of the grave?