The Beggar Man
effort: "Well, it's time I was going. I sent my baggage on last night. What are you going to do?" "I'm going home." "I should like you to have stayed here, but ... perhaps it's best for you to go home." He put his hands on her shoulders and drew her gently towards him."Good-bye, my little wife." Faith laid her hand on his chest, as if to hold him away; then suddenly she melted: "Oh, I hope you'll soon, soon come back," she said, as a child might have done, and she raised her face for his kiss. They said good-bye in the street with a handshake, just like ordinary friends, and Faith stood looking after the cab that carried him away. He had gone out of her life as quickly and strangely as he had entered it. She looked down at her hand, with its new ring, and a shy sort of pride thrilled her. She was his wife! She was a married woman! The tears that had welled to her eyes dried by magic as she walked on, her head held high with childish dignity. She longed for someone in whom to confide, and a sudden thought came to her. It was Saturday, and the girls left Heeler's at twelve. It was still quite early. She would go along and meet Peg. With confidence born of her new position, she hailed a taxi, trembling at her own audacity as she did so, and told the man where to drive. This was the beginning of her new and wonderful life. She hardly gave a thought to the Beggar Man. Her mind wandered off to the spending of the money he had given her, to the gifts she would buy for her mother and the twins. The stopping of the cab roused her with a start. She scrambled out, and to her horror discovered that he had taken her right to the door of Heeler's, and that it was twelve o'clock, and the girls were already pouring out from work. She was crimson with confusion as she paid her fare. She wished the earth would open and swallow her up. Several of the girls came up to stare and speak to her. "My word! Faith Ledley's going the pace! Someone left you a fortune, Faith? Where have you been? Old Dell was mad when you didn't turn up this morning." Faith stammered her reply. "I'm not coming back any more. I've left. I want to see Peg. Where's Peg? Oh, there she is!" She broke through the little group and ran after her friend, calling to her breathlessly. Peg turned reluctantly. There was a grim sort of look on her handsome face. "Well, where have you been?" she demanded. Faith slipped a hand through her arm. "I've got so much to tell you," she said. "It seems so long since we met. Are you better?" "Well enough," was the uncompromising reply, and Peg jerked Faith's arm from her. "What have you been doing?" she asked again. Faith smiled and blushed rosily. "I've been getting married," she said with sudden boldness. "Married? A kid like you!" Peg stared. "Well," she said 
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