"Juba ..." the mother said, standing in her path. "Later," Juba said. "It will soon be done. Mother ... I love you. All of you." And she went around the mother, quickly. "It is done," Juba said, giving him the switch key as though it meant something all by itself. "You have at least several hours, even if they find out at this moment. And they won't. There will be no real suspicion until your ... our ship takes off." After he had made love to Juba, she could see the sun was wheeling high, and in the temple they would begin to wonder a little. "We must hurry," she said, and she broke a budded branch off a laesa bush, so that later, when everything was strange, this bit of what she had been would be with her to surprise her. In strange places, but with this man. She turned to smile at him, for her heart was full of love, and she felt that he was as much within her as he was within himself. It was then that he grabbed her hands and tied them, and he tied her feet, and he lit a cigarette and stood for a moment, looking at her and laughing a little with his eyes. Juba's mind was dark, very dark, as dimness after bright sunlight in the eyes. She spoke to him with her brows, afraid to ask out loud why he had done this, though there could be only one reason. "Thanks," he said, "for all of it." Then, seeing her tears, he said, "Well, really, what did you expect?" There was a sharp stone beneath her shoulder, and she moved against it, so that it would cut through her pain. And, feeling the blood warm on her skin her tears stopped, for it was the stone that had hurt her, and not the Man. "You act," she said with a sneer, "as I would expect a man to act." "And you," he said, walking off with his heavy steps, "have very kindly acted as I would expect a woman to act." Thus it was that she opened her veins on the sharp rock. Not out of love. Not out of sorrow. Not even out of fear. Out of pride.The content provided is regarding the Project Gutenberg™ License and terms for the distribution and usage of Project Gutenberg™ works. It outlines the conditions under which the works can be copied, distributed, and used, as well as the rights and responsibilities of individuals accessing or distributing Project Gutenberg™ works.