The Lady of the Shroud
should like some points elucidated."  The attorney bowed (he gets his 120 thou', any way, so he can afford to be oily--suave, I suppose he would call it); so father looked at a slip of paper in his hand and asked:  

"How much is the amount of the whole estate?"  

The attorney answered quickly, and I thought rather rudely.  He was red in the face, and didn't bow this time; I suppose a man of his class hasn't more than a very limited stock of manners:  

"That, sir, I am not at liberty to tell you.  And I may say that I would not if I could."  

"Is it a million?" said father again.  He was angry this time, and even redder than the old attorney.  The attorney said in answer, very quietly this time:  

"Ah, that's cross-examining.  Let me say, sir, that no one can know that until the accountants to be appointed for the purpose have examined the affairs of the testator up to date."  

Mr. Rupert St. Leger, who was looking all this time angrier than even the attorney or my father--though at what he had to be angry about I can't imagine--struck his fist on the table and rose up as if to speak, but as he caught sight of both old MacKelpie and the attorney he sat down again.  _Mem._--Those three seem to agree too well.  I must keep a sharp eye on them.  I didn't think of this part any more at the time, for father asked another question which interested me much:  

"May I ask why the other matters of the Will are not shown to us?"  The attorney wiped his spectacles carefully with a big silk bandanna handkerchief before he answered:  

"Simply because each of the two letters marked 'B' and 'C' is enclosed with instructions regarding their opening and the keeping secret of their contents.  I shall call your attention to the fact that both envelopes are sealed, and that the testator and both witnesses have signed their names across the flap of each envelope.  I shall read them.  The letter marked 'B,' directed to 'Rupert Sent Leger,' is thus endorsed:    "'This letter is to be given to Rupert Sent Leger by the Trustees and is to be opened by him in their presence.  He is to take such copy or make such notes as he may wish and is then to hand the letter with envelope to the Executors who are at once to read it, each of them being entitled to make copy or notes if desirous of so doing.  The letter is then to be replaced in its envelope and letter and envelope are to be placed in another envelope to be endorsed on outside as to 
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