The Lady of the Shroud
mother, of which property I am a
    trustee.  Let me say at once that, had it been possible to me to do
    so, I should have held it a privilege to further such a wish--not
    because the beneficiare whom you would create is a near kinswoman of
    my own.  That, in truth, is my real difficulty.  I have undertaken a
    trust made by an honourable lady on behalf of her only son--son of a
    man of stainless honour, and a dear friend of my own, and whose son
    has a rich heritage of honour from both parents, and who will, I am
    sure, like to look back on his whole life as worthy of his parents,
    and of those whom his parents trusted.  You will see, I am sure, that
    whatsoever I might grant regarding anyone else, my hands are tied in
    this matter.    And now let me say, my dear boy, that your letter has given me the
    most intense pleasure.  It is an unspeakable delight to me to find in
    the son of your father--a man whom I loved, and a boy whom I
    love--the same generosity of spirit which endeared your father to all
    his comrades, old as well as young.  Come what may, I shall always be
    proud of you; and if the sword of an old soldier--it is all I
    have--can ever serve you in any way, it and its master's life are,
    and shall be, whilst life remains to him, yours.    It grieves me to think that Janet cannot, through my act, be given
    that ease and tranquillity of spirit which come from competence.
    But, my dear Rupert, you will be of full age in seven years more.
    Then, if you are in the same mind--and I am sure you will not
    change--you, being your own master, can do freely as you will.  In
    the meantime, to secure, so far as I can, my dear Janet against any
    malign stroke of fortune, I have given orders to my factor to remit
    semi-annually to Janet one full half of such income as may be derived
    in any form from my estate of Croom.  It is, I am sorry to say,
    heavily mortgaged; but of such as is--or may be, free from such
    charge as the mortgage entails--something at least will, I trust,
    remain to her.  And, my dear boy, I can frankly say that it is to me
    a real pleasure that you and I can be linked in one more bond in this
    association of purpose.  I have always held you in my heart as though
    you were my own son.  Let me tell you now that you have acted as I
    should have liked a son of my own, had I been blessed with one, to
    have acted.  God bless you, my dear.                                                               Yours ever,
                                                    COLIN ALEX. MACKELPIE.  
_Letter from Roger Melton_, _of Openshaw Grange_, _to Rupert Sent Leger_,

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