SHE—You're letting your jealousy run away with you. HE—Maybe I am, but I'm glad I found him out before it was too late. SHE—Indeed! And do you think it is too late? (Pause) What did you say? HE—I didn't say anything. I was thinking. Listen, Genevieve, what's the use[Pg 55] of our going on like this? I see now I was pig-headed to send that note. It was cruel to you. I'll never forgive myself. [Pg 55] SHE—I'm glad you're coming to your senses. HE—I don't blame you for being angry, Genevieve, dear. SHE—Oh! Carroll, how could you be so unjust? HE—I'm awfully remorseful. Can't I come tonight and tell you more? SHE—Why, certainly, you old goose. I'll forgive you. HE—I'm so glad, Genevieve. But, tell me, dearest girl, you don't care for Jack Smallwood. SHE—No, you silly boy. He isn't worth your little finger. HE—Thank you, sweetheart. Goodbye. XII.(Wednesday, June 4.) SHE—Madison 7-9-3-1-y, please. Is that you, dearest? Oh! Carroll, I'm all so topsy-turvy I don't know what I'm doing. But I just couldn't go to bed without talking to you again. HE—You know I'm glad. SHE—And I——Oh! I'm so full of joy I can't wait for tomorrow to come. Doesn't it seem like a dream to think of our being married? It's all so strange, and yet I'm so happy! You don't think me unwomanly for telling you so, do you, dearest? I'm so frightened, and yet my heart is beating—trip—trip—for you. Can't you hear it? HE—Keep still a moment. Yes, I can. One, two, three—— SHE—Oh, you tease! Such nonsense![Pg 56] [Pg 56]