Acas. In all thy wishes. Cham. Confirm me so, and make this fair one mine: Acas. What says Serina? canst thou love a soldier? Ser. Oh! name not love, for that's ally'd to joy; Acas. Chamont, pursue her, conquer, and possess her, Cham. My lord, I would not lose that satisfaction Acas. I thank you. Cas. Would you but rest, it might restore you quite. Acas. Yes, I'll to bed; old men must humour weakness. Cham. If you're at leisure, sir, we'll waste an hour: Chap. Sir, you're a soldier? Cham. Yes. Chap. I love a soldier; Cham. Have you had long dependance on this family? Chap. I have not thought it so, because my time's Cham. I'm glad you are so happy. [aside. Chap. I did; and was most sorry when we lost him. Cham. Why, didst thou love him? Chap. Ev'ry body lov'd him; besides, he was my patron's friend.