Acas. You shall have justice. Cham. Nay, I will have justice! [exit. Acas. Farewell, proud boy.— Mon. My lord. Acas. You are my daughter. Mon. I am, my lord, if you'll vouchsafe to own me. Acas. When you'll complain to me, I'll prove a father. [exit. Mon. Now I'm undone for ever! Who on earth [sits down. Pol. Monimia weeping! Mon. Let me alone to sorrow; 'tis a cause Pol. Happy, Monimia, he to whom these sighs, Mon. My lord! Pol. Nay, wonder not; last night I heard Mon. Banish such fruitless hopes! Pol. What means my love? Mon. What meant my lord? Pol. Is that a question now to be demanded?