around here and getting disintegratored. I'm getting my father." "Cowardy-cat. Yellow cowardy-cat." "I don't care. You can call all the names you want, but if you bother them now you'll get disintegratored. You wait and see, and it'll be all your fault." He made for the narrow spiral stairs that led to the main floor of the barn, stopped at its head, then backed away. Red's mother was moving up, panting a little with the exertion and smiling a tight smile for the benefit of Slim in his capacity as guest. "Red! You, Red! Are you up there? Now don't try to hide. I know this is where you're keeping them. Cook saw where you ran with the meat." Red quavered, "Hello, ma!" "Now show me those nasty animals? I'm going to see to it that you get rid of them right away." It was over! And despite the imminent corporal punishment, Red felt something like a load fall from him. At least the decision was out of his hands. "Right there, ma. I didn't do anything to them, ma. I didn't know. They just looked like little animals and I thought you'd let me keep them, ma. I wouldn't have taken the meat only they wouldn't eat grass or leaves and we couldn't find good nuts or berries and cook never lets me have anything or I would have asked her and I didn't know it was for lunch and--" He was speaking on the sheer momentum of terror and did not realize that his mother did not hear him but, with eyes frozen and popping at the cage, was screaming in thin, piercing tones. X The Astronomer was saying, "A quiet burial is all we can do. There is no point in any publicity now," when they heard the screams. She had not entirely recovered by the time she reached them, running and running. It was minutes before her husband could extract sense from her. She was saying, finally, "I tell you they're in the barn. I don't know what they are. No, no--" She barred the Industrialist's quick movement in that direction. She said, "Don't _you_ go. Send one of the hands with a shotgun. I tell you I never saw anything like it. Little horrible beasts with--with--I can't describe it. To think that Red was touching them and trying to feed