Jub. Oh! they're extravagant; Cato. What can Juba ask, Jub. I fear to name it. Cato. What wouldst thou say? Jub. Cato, thou hast a daughter. Cato. Adieu, young prince; I would not hear a word [Exit. Syphax Syph. How's this, my prince? What, cover'd with confusion? Jub. Syphax, I'm undone! Syph. I know it well. Jub. Cato thinks meanly of me. Syph. And so will all mankind. Jub. I've open'd to him Syph. Cato's a proper person to intrust Jub. Oh, I could pierce my heart, Syph. Alas, my prince, how are you changed of late! Jub. Pr'ythee, no more. Syph. How would the old king smile, Jub. Syphax, this old man's talk, though honey flow'd