The Competitive Nephew
that she had received the transfer in question from the conductor of a Twenty-third Street car; failing the accuracy of which statement, she expressed the hope that her children should all drop dead and that she herself might never stir from her seat. This brought the car to Bleecker Street, where the conductor rang the bell and invited Mrs. Saphir to alight. Her first impulse was to defy him to the point of a constructive assault, with its attendant lawsuit against the railroad company; but she discovered that, in carrying out her project to its successful issue, she had already gone one block past her destination. Hence she walked leisurely down the aisle; and after pausing on the platform to adjust her shawl and bonnet she descended to the street with a parting scowl at the conductor, who immediately broke the bell-rope in starting the car. 

 "Nu!" Seiden repeated. "Couldn't you open your mouth at all? What's the matter?" 

 Mrs. Saphir commenced to rock tentatively, but Seiden stopped her with a loud "Koosh!" 

 "What do you want from me?" he demanded. 

 "Meine Tochter Bessie," she replied, "she don't get on at all." 

 "What d'ye mean, she don't get on at all?" Seiden interrupted. "Ain't I doing all I could for her? I am learning her the business; and what is more, Mrs. Saphir, I got a feller which he wants to marry her, too. Ain't that right, Sternsilver?" 

 Philip nodded vigorously and Mrs. Saphir sat up in her chair. 

 "Him?" she asked. 

 "Sure; why not?" Seiden answered. 

 "But, Mr. Seiden——" Sternsilver cried. 

 "Koosh, Sternsilver," Seiden said. "Don't you mind that woman at all. If Bessie was my own daughter even, I would give my consent." 

 "Aber, Mr. Seiden——" Sternsilver cried again in anguished tones, but further protest was choked off by Mrs. Saphir, who rose from her seat with surprising alacrity and seized Philip around the neck. For several minutes she kissed him with loud smacking noises, and by the time he had disengaged himself Seiden had brought in Miss Bessie Saphir. As she blushingly laid her hand in Sternsilver's unresisting clasp Seiden patted them both on the shoulder. 

 "For a 
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