Children of the Whirlwind
He had never thought about such technical and highly academic subjects as right and wrong up to the day when Casey and Gavegan had slipped the handcuffs upon him. To laugh, to dance, to plan and direct clever coups, to spend the proceeds gayly and lavishly—to challenge the police with another daring coup: that had been life to him, a game that was all excitement.     

       And now, after two years in which there had been plenty of time for thinking, his conscience still did not trouble him on the score of his offenses. He believed, and was largely right in this belief, that the suckers he had trimmed had all been out to secure unlawful gain and to take cunning advantage of his supposedly foolish self and of other dupes. He had been too clever for them, that was all; in desire and intent they had been as great cheats as himself. So he felt no remorse over his victims; and as for anything he may have done against that impersonal entity, the criminal statutes, why, the period in prison had squared all such matters. So he now faced life pleasantly and with care-free soul.     

       Larry had turned away from the dark river and had started to retrace his way, when he saw a man approaching through the darkness. Larry paused. The man drew near and halted exactly in front of Larry. By the swing of his body Larry had recognized the man, and his own figure instinctively grew tense.     

       “What you doin' out here, Brainard?” The voice was peremptory and rough.     

       “Throwing kisses over at Brooklyn,” Larry replied coolly. “And what are you doing out here, Gavegan?”      

       “Following you. I wanted a quiet word with you. I've been right behind you ever since you hit New York.”      

       “I knew you would be. You and Casey. But you haven't got anything on me.”      

       “I got plenty on you before!—with Casey helping,” retorted Gavegan.       “And I'll get plenty on you again!—now that I know you are the main guy of a clever outfit. You'll be starting some smooth game—but I'm going to be right after you every minute. And I'll get you. That's the news I wanted to slip you.”      

       “So!” commented Larry drawlingly. “Casey's a fairly decent guy, considering his line—but, Gavegan, I don't see how Casey stands you as a partner. And, 
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