low over her temples. On her forehead is a mother-of-pearl ornament, held by a fine chain under her hair. Kadidia, her daughter, twelve years old, has [Pg 30] bright-green satin gaiters which yet leave visible the tops of her white silk socks, and a white-lace-covered dress with bright-green narrow sleeves, pearl-gray gloves, and free black hair under a big bright-green hat with white feathers. Bianetta is in dark-green velvet, the collar sewn with pearls, and a full skirt, its hem embroidered with great false topazes set in silver. Ludmilla Steinherz is in a glaring summer frock striped red and blue. Alva Rodrigo Casti-Piani Puntschu Heilmann Lulu Geschwitz Magelone Kadidia [Pg 30] Bianetta Ludmilla Steinherz Rodrigo stands, centre, a full glass in his hand. RODRIGO. Ladies and gentlemen—I beg your pardon—please be quiet—I drink—permit me to drink—for this is the birthday party of our amiable hostess—(taking Lulu's arm) of Countess Adelaide d'Oubra—damned and done for!—I drink therefore——and so forth, go to it, ladies! (All surround Lulu and clink with her. Alva presses Rodrigo's hand.) RODRIGO.